August 2016 Newsletter

SAC is in the air – no sorry, it’s Spring!

It’s that time of the year again, to get your Harley out and to start riding. There’s no more excuses, it’s riding weather now and we’ve got plenty of good places in our region to go and visit. You need to treat yourself to some spring excitement, not only rides but some personalizing on your bikes too.

Remember, failing to prepare, is like preparing to fail.  Let us help you breathe some new life into your ride. A proper clean, a little service, TLC and maybe we can unleash some of that untapped performance.

If your bike has been standing for a while now, we just need to check the tyre pressures, tread wear, spokes, battery, oil levels, side stand, wheel bearings, etc. don’t get caught out on your first long ride for the summer. The small contact patches on your bike’s tyres are the only thing between you and the tar, wheels and tyres are not the place where you should be trying to save cash.

Our hot summers and your Harley’s hot engine combined with slow pack riding or high speed breakfast runs don’t do your bike’s oil any good. Change the oil more regularly during the hot summer months. Always keep an eye on your bike and the area that it parks in, rats and mice love eating away at the wiring and rubber on Harleys.

During the winter we have done plenty of cost saving exercises for performance upgrades. We know that more power is very desirable but sometimes unaffordable. “Reliability and your safety always remains our priority”.

If you have an 883 Sportie and need some extra “oomph” the cost to upgrade to 1200 is now substantially less than before, we just need to know what’s already done on your bike.

If it’s an 88 Cube that hasn’t got enough power, we can upgrade to 95 Cube or even 103. All the parts are in stock and there are many options for this one.

The all popular 96 to 103 upgrade is also very optimized and less expensive. Most of these bikes already have stage 1’s so this one might be for you.

Then the mighty 110 Cube CVO’s now convert relatively easily to 113 “no crank change – only barrels and pistons” with lots of add on extras, from mild to wild.

Our cost saving efforts paid off – call us for an estimate if you want to spoil yourself and on the lighter side, there are plenty of new tweaks for all you fuel saving junkies. Tuning technology is in the move and we’re on top of our game.

During the winter of 2017 you can be rest assured that we will be developing something exciting for the new 2017 bike releases and their engines “the Milwaukee 8” or the 107 cube multi valve models.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind Regards
SAC Raging Bull